Ñàìîå ïîïóëÿðíîå 2 June

My grief counselor died the other day

He was so good at his job, i don’t even care.

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Job jokes
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Sea jokes

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Transport jokes
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If a computer was an apartment, the only passage would be the windows. It would have had doors but why was it ever spelt DOS

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Computer jokes
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I was once caught doing it with a 16 year old in my bedroom. Boy was my wife mad. She yelled “HOW CAN YOU F… OUR DAUGHTER?!”. Haha yeah she was mad. Anyways thats why your mother and I are getting a divorce Timmy.

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Family jokes
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Those poor kids at Sandy Hook, all they wanted was books. Instead, they got magazines

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Poor jokes

What’s the difference between a prostitute and a daredevil?

One has cunning stunts, whilst the other has a stunning…

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What’s the difference?
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Dream jokes
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Once there were three Indians. Two were smart and one was… not so smart. One day, the first smart Indian went out hunting. He came back with a dead deer. The not so smart Indian asks “How’d you do it?” The smart one replies, "I followed the deer tracks, shot the deer, and brought it home." The next day, the next smart Indian goes out. He comes back with a dead bear. The not so smart Indian asks once again “How’d you do it?” The smart one replies, "I followed the bear tracks, shot the bear, and brought it home." Finally, it’s now the not so smart Indian’s turn to go hunt. Multiple hours had passed since he left. The smart Indians go out to search for him. They finally find him, bloodied and on the verge of dying. The smart Indians exclaimed "WHAT HAPPENED!" The not so smart Indian replies, “Well I… I followed the train tracks, an… and shot th- the train… bu- but it kept going…”

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Transport jokes
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Milk jokes
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I love the smell of my F5 key. – It’s very refreshing.

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Computer jokes

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

The momma called the doctor and the doctor said…

“We’re calling Child Protective Services.”

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Doctors jokes
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Transport jokes
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Hope jokes
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Whats brown and sticky?

A stick. Get your head out of the gutters…Jeez.

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Stick jokes
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September 2020: Three makeup tutorialists, James Charles, Jeffree Star and Tati Westbrook has gone through smoke after the controversy surrounding the three of them. Honestly, Tati and Jeffree are trash, I just don’t find their content interesting, and I don’t watch James Charles, but I also dislike his content.

Ok heres ur funi jokeee

Who is the best makeup artist?

Just because Jeffree has Star at the end doesn’t mean he is best

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Smoking jokes

%%Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up) We’ve known each other for so long Your heart’s been aching, but You’re too shy to say it Inside, we both know what’s been going on We know the game and we’re gonna play it I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. mucho_mango: just woke up from my dream what was that.

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Game jokes
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How do we know Stephen is dying in hell

There’s a stairway to heaven.

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Hell jokes
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I wish i could be as visible as my depression is.

My future is so bright, i need a flashlight to see where i’m going

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Dark Humor
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I had the BEST day EVER. 1:I woke up 2:I met someone im sad of 3:I had fun and got them back again online. But sadly the order was 2nd, 3rd, 1st… XD

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Dream jokes
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My bf: knock knock me:whos there my bf:ice cream me:ice cream who my bf: ice cream if you don’t let me see that smoking hot body

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Smoking jokes
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