If a baby cow finds a wolf pup they will best friends but when mummy wolf comes it’s a fight so the baby cow and the wolf pup made it a Secret but one day the mummy cow and the mummy wolf Found out but no one got hurt in fact the mummy cow and the mummy wolf got to know each other and baby cow and wolf pup were very happy and played all day long there friendship will never Break -THE END- this was not a joke but a meaning if you are different that doesn’t change who you are and your friends are so be yourself and don’t let people break your dreams and don’t Forget them either so no matter who you are don’t let people change who you are???
Fight jokes | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
- up - | << | N E X T! | >> | 15 сразу |
A d v e r t i s e m e n t:
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“Our all-transgender brigade has suffered heavy casualties!” “What? We haven’t even sent them to fight!” “They’ve already lost 30% of the unit!”
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Hey~ How ya doin’?~ Well I’m doin’ just fine~ I lied~ I’m DEAD inside~ Don’t~ Tell me ‘it’s gonna be alright’~ I’ve tried, but I can’t fight like this~ Hey how ya doin’, I’m tired but I’m trying to fight~
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Why shouldn’t you get in a fight with a dinosaur
You’ll get jur ass kicked
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A brother and a sister always kept fighting. One day the brother said, “You’re adopted.” Then the sister replies, “At least they wanted me!” The brother yells back, “Well at first, when they didn’t know you’d turn out like this.”