My wife said if I don’t get of the computer shes gonna slam my head in to the keyboard but I think I’ll ajlkfsdhnvkwr;anhf
My wife left me for an Indian guy. – I know he’s going to treat her well, I heard they worship cows.
Woman jokes

Woman jokes ещё..

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I said to my pregnant wife push darling, come on push harder dear, no she wasn’t giving birth the bloody car would not start.

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A man comes home and finds his wife in bed with another guy “What’s going on here!?” He exclaims. The wife replies “See, I told you he was stupid.”

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20 years of sex in the dark the wife find out he was using a dildo the wife get angry and says?explain the dildo prick? the husband says?explain the children bitch

Woman jokes ещё..

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