A son walks up to his dad and says "Dad! I just had sex for the first time." The dad goes "Great! Wanna sit down and talk about it?“ The son says "I cant sit right now, my butt is very sore.”
Family jokes | |
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A d v e r t i s e m e n t:
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Why hasn’t my dad come back? No seriously I’m not joking
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A salesman rings the door bell and Little Johnny answers. Salesman: “Can I see your dad?” Johnny: “No, he’s in the shower.” Salesman: “What about your mother? Can I see her?” Johnny: “Nope. She’s in the shower, too.” Salesman: “Do you think they’ll be out soon?” Johnny: “Doubt it. When my dad asked me for the Vaseline, I gave him super glue instead.”
I once heard my dad shout I’m going to be like frozen and let it go then I heard a gunshot
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I never wanted to believe that my Dad was stealing from his job as a road worker.
But when I got home, all the signs were there.