A man was walking down the street with a swivel chair under one arm, a computer under the other and a desk strapped to his back. A policeman ran over to him and handcuffed him, saying “I’m arresting you for impersonating an office, sir”
Computer jokes | |
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A d v e r t i s e m e n t:
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Q. What is the biggest lie in the entire universe?
A. “I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions.”
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Why did the computer go to the doctor?
Because it had a virus
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Bill Gates teaches a kindergarten class to count to ten. “dos, 1,2, 3,3.1,95,98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7,8, 8.1,10.”
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My mom told me to get off the computer or she will slam my head into the keyboard.
I dont thing shelsjkdvklserdhcvjskrldfjlbudrj- kfhbverjksfbhvyuksejfvsuil.w35xfc.