What do you get when you put a baby in a box filled with glass and nails and push it down the stairs? … A boner…
Stairs jokes

Stairs jokes ещё..

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Why is Steven hawking going to hell not heaven? Because it’s a stair way to heaven not a ramp.

Q:What’s black and white and red all over A: a nun falling down the stairs

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%%Why didn’t the girl like stairs? They were always up to something.

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My mom and dad got home from a party pretty late. Why do I know? Because I was playing minecraft all night. Anyways, they get home and start fumbling up the stairs and being really loud. I could have swore I heard them fall down. I assumed they were drunk. I was just playing my switch when they come into my room. Now I’m about 10 at the time so I watch them get undressed IN MY f@ckING BED! I then just stare at them as they notice me before I witness anything. They say that they were doing “intense kissing” the next morning. I believe that at the time. But now I’ve been to health class. I now know the truth. I wish I hadn’t

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How do asians name there kids?

They throw pots and pans down the stairs. (ching chong dong)

Stairs jokes ещё..

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