Paint jokes

Hi guys I’m back! So I have a question for u. What is red aND smells like blue paint type in comments what u came up with

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Why did the snail paint a big “S” on his car? Because he wanted people to say look at that S car go when he rolled by.

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How many babys does it take to paint a wall red. Depends how hard you can throw them.

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Why did the painting go to jail? Because it was framed!

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Why do elephants paint their toes red, blue, green, orange, Brown and yellow?

So they can hide in a bag of M&Ms

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As I’m lying down on the table for a radiation treatment, a small angel lands on one shoulder, a tiny devil on the other shoulder. And then the mind game begins:

Angel: This won’t last long. You are perfectly lined up. The treatment only lasts a few mins. Remember, stay absolutely still.

Devil: Did she just twitch?

A: No. She didn’t twitch.


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Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head?

Because from a distance, they looked like hare.

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I asked my dad, Why did you paint rabbits on your bald head? He replied, Because I thought it would look like hares

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These are all of my terrible jokes

Two antennas met on a roof, they fell in love and got married. The ceremony was alright but the reception was amazing A jumper cable walks into a bar and the bartender said "I’ll serve you but don’t start anything A dyslexic man walks into a bra Two cannibals are eating a clown, one says "does this taste funny to you,

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How many babies does it take to paint a wall

Depends how hatd you throw them

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I will never forget my little brothers last word rip.

His last words: paint dosent taste good

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What do Michaelangelo and Hitler have in common?

They both used their brain to paint the ceiling

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How many babies does it take to paint a wall. Depends on how hard you throw them.with fuk.

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