When the cannibal was late for dinner, he got the cold shoulder.
Why is it always cold in the hospital? to keep the vegetables fresh. Why was it cold in Stephen hawkings house? Because he had a new window open…
Q: Why should you stand in the corner if you get cold? A: It’s always 90 degrees.
what are mountains so cold?? your muom lol
How do you stay warm in a cold room? You go to the corners. It’s always 90 degrees
when is a cold not a cold?
Knock knock. Who’s there? Atch. Atch who? Sorry you are sneezing. Have you got a cold?
Why don’t mountains catch colds? They wear snow caps.
Window Problems A blonde texts her husband on a cold winter’s morning: "Windows frozen, won’t open." Husband texts back: "Gently pour some lukewarm water over it and gently tap edges with hammer. " Wife texts back 5 minutes later: "Computer really messed up now.”
What did the man say after he slipped and fell on the ice. Nothing he just gave everyone the cold shoulder
Dark jokes are like Antarctica The’re cold
What did the iceberg say to the firefighter? Come close and i’ll knock you out cold
why do mountains are very cold. because they are very cold.
What’s cold, blue and makes women cry? Cot death.
Why did the orphan jump into the burning building? It was to cold because they did not have a home.