Best Jokes

26 July: Top today:

So I went to my friends funeral today, As we were all leaving a kid put a get well soon card next to my friends grave ‘poor kid’

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Poor jokes
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Puns jokes

26 July: Woman jokes:
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26 July: Fire jokes:

I bought a gun from Walmart today. I guess they knew what I was going to do with it, because when I pulled the gun on the cashier, I realized the firing mechanism was in reverse.

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26 July: Dark Humor:

A man woke up in a hospital after a serious accident. He yelled, "Doctor! Doctor! I can’t feel my legs!" The Doctor replies, “I know, I amputated your arms.”

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What do you call a man that has no arms, no legs and sits in front of your door? Mat.

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26 July: Green jokes:
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26 July: Family jokes:
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26 July: Doctors jokes:

Doctor: you’ll be at peace soon, sir. Me: what am I dying? Doctor: no your wife is.

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26 July: Fight jokes:

When deaf people fight, they let their fists do the talking.

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26 July: Puns jokes:
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26 July: Transport jokes:

Two guys where on a hunting trip and after the first day of hunting they don’t see anything so that decide the next day they will split up and meet back at, the fire at dinner time. After a day of hunting they meet back at the fire and the one hunter asked the other how did your day go? So the one hunter said “I had the best day ever,” I went down the hill and hunted by the train tracks and saw the hottest chick ever, we had sex for hours in every position you could think of. Then the other hunter asked him “was she a good lookin blond? ” And he said “ oh I don’t know I didn’t find her head”

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Why are dolphins so smart? Because within three hours they can train a human to stand at the edge of the pool and feed them fish!

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