Milk jokes

Q:Why do orphans eat cereal with water? A:Because their dad is shopping for the milk.

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Little Johnny catches his parents going at it and says “hey dad! Whatcha doin?” His father says “I’m filling your moms tank” Johnny says, “oh yeah well, you better get a model that gets better mileage because th milk man filled her up this morning.”

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whats the hardest part when making skimmed milk? throwing the cow across the lake

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When does a joke become a dad joke? When it goes to get the milk yet never comes back. Miss you dad. -Aniya

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y do orphans eat cereal with water there dad did not come back with the milk

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You know if you go to wal-mart, and go to the milk section you might just find your dads

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My dad went to go buy milk, but he walks as slow as my grandmother. My grandmother is paralyzed in the legs.

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why did the Orphan eat cereal with water? Thar dad did not come home with the milk

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