Cold jokes

Why do mountains are very cold. because they are very cold.

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Why would the chicken not cross the road? Beacuse its to old.(the joke is old) (the nchicken is old)

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Two Trojan warriors were patrolling the streets of Troy at night. It was finally time for their duties to be relived. When they went back to their houses, one Trojan fell in a puddle. Nitrogen! The other called. And the other responded coldly, “Good nigh-“

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So today is my birthday today am 13 but yesterday am going to turn 10.but am not even go to school to know the number ten becuase one time at 10 pm in the morning it was so cold in in my hot room so I want outside to drive my car to drive my car. But I stopped becuase the light turn green.i was talking a bath in the front of my car out it didn’t have bin so am taking a sh$t

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There’s a man crawling through the desert. He’d decided to try his SUV in a little bit of cross-country travel, had great fun zooming over the badlands and through the sand, got lost, hit a big rock, and then he couldn’t get it started again. There were no cell phone towers anywhere near, so his cell phone was useless. He had no family, his parents

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Q.Why do Skeletons hate the cold A. It sends chills up there spine

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Why was the stadium so cold? Because of all its fans!

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What can u catch but not throw? …... … … … … ….. … … … … Ook. a cold!

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What did the iceberg say to the firefighter? Come close and i’ll knock you out cold

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A Blonde crashed A Helicopter. A Police Officer Asked Her What Happened. She Says, “It Got Cold So I Turned Off The Fan.”

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