Why was the computer so good at golf? because he had a hard drive if a dog made a computer it would have a mega bite
Why are elephants scared of computers? Because of the mouse. I’d make a joke about epilepsy but the computer started flashing
My mom said she will slam me head into my computer of I don’t get of it, I’m not to worried though, I think she is just jhehus,d.kes,jdhcuya71,hshh.jdh
Q:Whats the difference between a computer and an abortion clinic A: Ctrl+Alt+Delete
Yo mama so stupid, that when she heard about cookies on the internet she ate her computer
What does a shark and a computer have in common? They both have megabites.
Why is Steven Hawkins arrested? The police used computer GPS
One day a computer said to another computer, "Why are you so dumb." The other computer replied, “Because I have low memory.”
What do computer programming and 9/11 have in common? They’re both inside jobs.
A man walks into a library and says to the librarian, “Do you have that book for men with small penises?” The librarian looks on her computer and says, “I don’t know if it’s in yet.” “Yeah, that’s the one!”
what is a computers favorite snack? cookis!
Why was the Computer late to work? Coz it had a hard drive… LMAO
What did the computer say to the other computer? “Well Tech-ically we can’t talk.”
My mom said she will slam my head into my computer if I don’t get off it, but I’m not to worried, I think she is joksjrfyudt,jrgwjwhh1$(jchjaj
What did Stephen Hawking say when his computer crashed? Nothing.