How did the computer get out of the house? He used windows.
Yo mama so stupid, that when she heard about cookies on the internet she ate her computer
What did the computer say to the other computer? “Well Tech-ically we can’t talk.”
The oldest computer can be traced back to Adam and Eve. It was an apple but with extremely limited memory. Just 1 byte. And then everything crashed.
get off your computer jessie jex
What part is usually missing in an orphan’s computer system? Motherboard.
I was using my computer one time and I pressed Ctrl-Alt-Delete and Stephen Hawking went into a deep sleep
what’s the difference between a pile of dead bodies and a computer? i don’t know I have both what is the difference between hilary duff and a computer? you only have to punch information into a computer once.
How did the computer hackers get away from the scene of the crime? I think they just hacked the chrime
Why was the computer late to work? Because it had a hard drive!
my mom is telling me get off friday night funkin or she will slam my head aginst the keybore weherhrqqkh[qokqho[krq3[t4i2-4q43q343q44334q43
My mom said she will slam me head into my computer of I don’t get of it, I’m not to worried though, I think she is just jhehus,d.kes,jdhcuya71,hshh.jdh
What do computer programming and 9/11 have in common? They’re both inside jobs.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was asked if he wanted to upgrade to Windows 10. He replied, “I still love Vista, baby”.
What’s the difference between Stephen Hawking and the computer he’s hooked up to? – The computer runs.