I will always remember my uncle’s last words, “What’s The Shovel For?”
I have an auntie who has no arms and no legs. She is my dad’s half sister.
Why were the cherries ?? crying? Because their parents were in a jam.
Yo mama is so ugly, her portraits hang themselves.
Whats the difference between a school bus and my Dad’s van? Schools buses usually don’t have screaming and crying children
I got a handjob of a blind woman the other day she said its the biggest thing i ever had in my hand i said no love your just pulling my leg
Kids are so ungrateful sometimes. I bought a wheelchair for my son, Did he say thank you? Nope! That mtf just sat in his wheelchair the whole time crying the whole day.??
What happened when the emo kid tried to high 5 a tree? It left him hanging
I fear my last words will be ‘‘hold my beer and watch this.’’
The most powerful thing in the world is babies. This is because they cry and get what every they want.
How do you make a builder cry? Kill his family
What’s the difference between a baby and an onion ? One cries when you peel its skin off, the other makes you cry when you peel its skin off.
What made me laugh? The fact that my life is a joke:")
Bro I love hanging out with white people, its either we play Yahtzee Or We Playin Nazi
Wanna hear somethin’ ironic? When one cutter tells another cutter to stop, but he himself can’t stop cutting.