Dark Humor

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I have an auntie who has no arms and no legs. She is my dad’s half sister.

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Why were the cherries ?? crying? Because their parents were in a jam.

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Whats the difference between a school bus and my Dad’s van? Schools buses usually don’t have screaming and crying children

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Kids are so ungrateful sometimes. I bought a wheelchair for my son, Did he say thank you? Nope! That mtf just sat in his wheelchair the whole time crying the whole day.??

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The most powerful thing in the world is babies. This is because they cry and get what every they want.

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What’s the difference between a baby and an onion ? One cries when you peel its skin off, the other makes you cry when you peel its skin off.

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What made me laugh? The fact that my life is a joke:")

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Bro I love hanging out with white people, its either we play Yahtzee Or We Playin Nazi

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Wanna hear somethin’ ironic? When one cutter tells another cutter to stop, but he himself can’t stop cutting.

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