When your sad don’t feel down about yourself break someone’s leg and laugh.
so if the reason people used to hang women because they were seen as witches back in the day, if boys were to be hung would they be called wizards?
Bro I love hanging out with white people, its either we play Yahtzee Or We Playin Nazi
Where do you find a dog with no legs? Where you left it.
Friend 1:Eyyy gurl Me:Hey! (Fake smile) Friend 2:hey g-guys what "bout we play would you rather? 6 hours later Friend 2:So (name) would u rather? 1.“Hang” out with me Or 2.“Jump” 1 times? Me…e-eh?..Why not both???we could just "Jump while “Hanging” out right?
So I’m banging the f@ck out of this slutty chick, right? And I’m thinking to myself, “She’s PROBABLY got AIDS.” So I go and get myself tested and, lo-and-behold, I’m positive. This gets me thinking, “Where the f@ck does an eight year old get AIDS? !” “Who has my sister been hanging out with?!”
I wish I could say that my life is a joke but I can’t because jokes have a meaning
I remember my dad’s last words “I met your father.”
Why does a milking stool only have 3 legs? – Because the cow has the udder.
My grandma just died from cancer My last words to her were “I like your cut g”
i got in trouble in school for leaving the depressed kid hanging
An Emo girl walks up to a tree to give it a high five… the tree left her hanging
What made me laugh? The fact that my life is a joke:")
What do you call a dog with no legs… My asian neighbors dinner.
I can’t hang out with a emo when they are sad? Why? Because it cuts deeply