Dark Humor

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My advice to suicidal people: just hang in there??

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People talking me asking whats the worst day in the year for them. Person 1: The first day of school cause i don’t like going to school

Person 2: Valentines day cause its to lovey

Me: oh nice mines my birthday cause its when i was born

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Watches sad movie with family

Everyone else: Crying

Sister: How aren’t you crying?

Me: I have no tear left to cry…

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I tried to high five a tree, but it just left me hanging.

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What do you call a cow with no legs

Ground beef…haha…no one likes my jokes

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What do you call a woman with one arm and one leg? Eileen

Doctor approaches a patient in Hospital and says “I have some good news and bad news" so the patient says “What is the bad news?” the Doctor replies “I have had to amputate both your legs” so the patent says “Well what is the good news? ” the Doctor replies "I have found someone to buy your slippers”…

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What’s the difference between a baby and an onion?

One cries when you peel its skin off, the other makes you cry when you peel its skin off.

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