Dark Humor

I bet my friend $5 that he would die drowning. A depressing but satisfying victory.

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You can’t YEE your last H A W! but I put my BALLS in ur JAW.

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What do you call a dog with no legs? – Doesn’t matter what you call him, he’s not coming.

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Paddy and Seamus work at the Guinness factory and Seamus has a horrible accident and dies at work. Paddy agrees to tell Seamuswife the bad news. He knocks on the door and Seamus wife answers. " Whats happened Paddy?" Paddy frowns. " Im sorry to say poor Seamus fell into the Guinness vat and drowned, im so sorry." She started to cry and asked paddy: " Did he at least die quickly? " Seamus shook his head, " No, he got out 3 times for a pee."

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What’s the difference between an emo and my clothes? my clothes don’t hang themselves.

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If you jump off a bridge while crying, it’s suicide, but if you jump off a bridge while screaming parquor it’s a failed stunt.

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