Dark Humor

Why can’t depressed people leave the maze?

Because their lives are the walls and they are to scared to meet the exit.

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I bet my friend $5 that he would die drowning.

A depressing but satisfying victory.

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“Go big or go home”, that’s what some people say.

“Go loud and proud”, that’s what other people say.

“Go out with a big, loud bang!”, that’s what I say.

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If somebody cuts their leg off and hits you with it. Works they be kicking or hitting you?

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Brian has a crush on a cute girl Sally from school so he goes and tells his dad about her and he says sorry son you cant like her she is your sister. So Brian is okay with it and he starts to like another girl Madison and he goes up to his dad and says I have a crush on this girl Madison and again the dad goes oh sorry son you cant like any girl in school they are all your sisters so he goes crying to his mom and says dad said I cant like any girl because they are all my sisters and the mom goes oh it’s okay you can like any girl you want because he is not your dad.

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Kid:what is between moms legs? Dad:paridise. Kid whats between you legs? Dad:the key to paridise. Kid:well uou better change the lock the neighbor has the key to.

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I will never forget my grandpa’s last words:


I will remember my aunties last word: if you shoot me you pen-s is small (gun shot)

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What do you call Amber Heard crying during the lawsuit?

A DEPPression.

(If you are a fan of either Johnny Depp or Amber Heard, you might get the joke)

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I will always remeber my dads last words… “15 dollars and ill jump.

If i could make someone tell me there last words theyd say " Make me"

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One time i broke up with my roblox girlfriend by sending her a message, 30 seconds later i heard my uncle crying in the next room

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What do you call a deer with no eyes?

No idea.

Bonus joke: What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?

Still no idea.

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