Dark Humor

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if you slit your wrist while crying in pain, that’s self-harm. If you slit your wrist but have no expression, that’s acting. it isn’t any of those if it’s suicide.

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I’ll never forget my dad’s last words. “Erase my search history, son.”

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i saw a little kid crying yesterday, so i asked him where his parents were. God i love working at an orphanage

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Why is a orphan crying about its family? Because it cant “let it go”

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Why did the sea cry ? Because it felt salty and blue

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What was Steven Hawking’s last words? The windows xp log out sound

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Friend #1: “Whats your favourite thing about trees?” Friend #2: “Apples” Me: “I can hang myself in them.”

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What’s the difference between a onion and a viola? No one cries when they cut up the viola

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