Dark Humor

Friend: hey,wanna play hid and seek? me:sure, i’ve got a great spot! me: grabs nuce and runs to my closet

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People call me a bad person but just the other day i saw a little kid crying and asked him where were his parents, i love working at the orphanage

At school, bobby boy’s classmate tells him some depressing stuff. Later that day, bobby comes home crying and his mom greets him at the door with “why are you crying”. Bobby says “someone said my grandpa died, but when did he die”. His mom looks him straight in the eye and says “depends, which one are you referring to?”

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Why Couldn’t the Japanese man give a high five?

Because Logan Paul left him hanging.

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Chuck Norris doesn’t turn on his shower, he just stares at it until it cries

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Snow everywhere, it’s Christmas time. A person looks at the tree. The person: Only last thing left to hang! He grabs a noose.

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Person A: cmon person B, just be happy, smile Person B: over my dead body Person B: gets the noose

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Me: have you ever went sky diving friend:No me:Well don’t it sucks friend:Why me:They gave me a parachute and I lived

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What do you call a woman with one arm and one leg? Eileen

Doctor approaches a patient in Hospital and says “I have some good news and bad news" so the patient says “What is the bad news?” the Doctor replies “I have had to amputate both your legs” so the patent says “Well what is the good news? ” the Doctor replies "I have found someone to buy your slippers”…

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What made me laugh?

The fact that my life is a joke: ")

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