What’s the difference between $1 Million and Baby Teeth? I don’t have $1 Million in my wallet.
What’s the difference between a bird and a human? “We don’t eat with our peckers
whats the difference between a cat and a bannana, its hard to peel a cat
What’s the difference between a nun and a woman in a bath tub? One’s got hope in her soul, the others got soap in her hole.
%%whats the difference between my dad and cancer cancer dosent leave you
Q: What’s the difference between me and cancer? A: My dad didn’t beat cancer…
Whats the difference between a Silver Medal and a Priest? They both came in a little behind.
What’s the difference between you and Jesus? Your parents remember Jesus’s birth date
What is the difference between a plane and a helicoptor. A plane hits a building but a helicopter hits the floor
what the difference betwenn a feminist and Kim Jong un? Kim jong un has rights
Whats the difference between a smart blonde and Bigfoot? Bigfoot has been sighted.
People are like potatoes. We may look different, but we all taste the same with a little ketchup.
What do turtles and lesbians have in common they both choke on plastic
What’s the difference between people and chocolate? I can still buy dark chocolate
what’s the difference between eggs,and you?eggs get laid,you don’t.