What do you call lesbians having sex? My cheating dyke ex wife!
I wish my ex wife would take me back. :(
A FED EX plane was carrying 375 fridges across Africa but the cargo door wasn’t shut properly but only 218 reached the desired destination. The rest landed in a remote village. How many fell out the plane? Time’s up! You took too long you only had 4 seconds to answer it. How do you put an elephant into the fridge that pushed out the cargo door? Open the fridge, put the elephant in and close the door. How do you put a giraffe into the fridge? Open the fridge, take out the elephant. Then put in the giraffe and close the door. Why did sally fall off the swing? Because she got hit by the other 156 refrigerators. How did she survive? Her idiot mother tried to pull her out and accidentally ripped both her arms off. But she was rescued 8 minutes later.
What has two legs, two arms, one dead and covered in red? My ex wife. So my ex who wouldn’t leave me alone because she thought I was the best person in the world even though will has a better haircut then me but anyway when we broke up she said I was the worst person she ever met and I told her she looks like a cross between a beaver and a mole rat. Then I told her she has the wendys logo haircut and then some other things I’m not gonna say. 2 years of bullshit I was done Anyways she cried lol
My ex-wife still misses me… BUT HER AIM IS GETTIN BETTER!
what do call an ex lesbian ??? A Clitter Quitter
My girlfriend broke up with me today but it’s ok, She said we can still be cousins.
My ex misses me, good thing she’ll never hit me.
some guy was mad at his ex wife! so he threw a bottle of alcohol into her house when he was drunk. And realized when he was being questioned for arson, his cigarette was in the rim of the bottle.
Peanuts are hard to crack just like my ex wifes heart
It’s been a terrible day today my ex got hit by a bus and died. Not only this but the council cut my bus drivers permit
My ex got into a bad accident recently. I told the doctors the wrong blood type. Now she will really know what rejection feels like
If I was an object in this world I’d be a glass! Because if you leave me when I’m too close to the edge I will likely shatter and break. If I was a pizza topping I would be pineapple! Because everybody doubts me. I’m a star! Because one of these days I’m going to crash and burn… If I could choose what creature I come back as after I die I’d be a panda, because people
i got hit by a bus but the bus was my ex
What is the difference between a coconut and your ex? One is fun to knock down by throwing rocks at the other one is a coconut.