Yo mama so fat, she takes her selfies in panoramic mode.
yo mama so fat she got arrested for carrying ten pounds of crack
Yo mama so fat, she got baptized at SeaWorld.
Wife: “I look fat. Can you give me a compliment?” Husband: “You have perfect eyesight.”
What do you call a fat chinese man A double chinkey
What do you call a fat girl with a rape whistle? Optimistic
Yo momma so fat, her belt size is E for Equator
A fat man meets a skinny man The fat man tells the skinny man: “when people look at you, they think the world’s starving to death” And the skinny man responds: “when they look at you, they know why”
Yo mom so fat when she jumped in the water the whales started singing “we are a family, even though u fatter then me”
Your mamma so fat she has to use the equator as her belt
Yo mama is so fat and old, when Jesus said “Let there be Light!” he told your mama to move out of the way!
Yo mama so fat she broke the stairway to heaven…
the fat kid asked the teacher “is godzilla real” the teacher said “they’re standing right infront of me”
You are so fat that the waiter said to you everytime: ‘sorry for your weight’ instead of ‘sorry for the wait’