Fire jokes

What’s the difference between a skeleton and a baby? I don’t set the skeleton on fire.

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Why did the little boy cross the road multiple times?

He stepped on an IED after being mutilated on a chopping block that was on fire with a table saw and multiple gallows which were infested with flaming termites with splotches of blood all over him from his eyes after they were squashed with a brick.

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Father: "The church is on fire! GET OUT GET OUT!" Priest: "Ok, what about the children?“ Father:“f@ck THE CHILDREN" Preist:” Do you think we’ll have time?”

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Roses are red, Violets are red, Sunflowers are red,


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Father: I don’t trust you, You poured your seed in my daughter’s belly,. Son: But Paah you can’t fire me. Father: You’re lucky you’re my brother too or I’d kill you.

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A kid is arrested for a school shooting threat he is then apprehended and asked why he wanted to do this. He responds with “what do you mean I already did it” then the police ran back to the school to aprehend the other people he was planing it with the cops busted in through the doors which caused a smoke trap to go off which then the cops saw three people walk in and the police begin to fire. But as the smoke began to clear the cops saw that the three people were 16 kids duck taped to rolling poles 4 per pole. Back to the station holding the kid being apprehended. the kid puts his feet up on a chair and said “Aww it pays to be lazy!”

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Q: Why did the chef get fired? A: He took cooking advice from Hitler!

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Whats black and sits at the top of the stairs? stephen hawkings during a house fire.

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Wood fired pizza?

Hows pizza gonna pay child support now?!:O

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Q: How do you make a 9/11 cocktail?

A: Light two Manhattans on fire and then knock them over.

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