What game consul do emergency vehicles play? Wii U!!!
when her head game is so strong she sucks the chromosome right out of you
What is Hitler’s favorite game? Nahtzee
What’s a Mexican’s favorite video game? Borderlands.
Guy: My life is like a game, I should end it. Guy 2: Is it a hard life? Guy: Yup Guy 2: Then you can’t kill yourself LOL Guy 3: Hold on, I know a cheat code to finish the “game” %%He attempted suicide Sep 16, and was in life support, till his parents made the tough decision of taking him off.
What’s an EMO’s favorite game?.. DARK SOULS
what game does a suicidal person who is very bad at word or guessing games love? hangman
what game can an emo play on their wrists without an ink pen? tic tac toe.
what do terrorists do on 9/11. have a game of jenga
What is a tornado favorite game? Twister!
A elderly woman and an elderly man were at a retirement home The man was shuffling a deck of cards for a card game The man asks "Is it your first time? " The woman replies “It’s been a while since a man has asked me that.”
What’s a pedophile’s favorite part of a hockey game? Before the first period starts.
What is a pedophiles favorite part of a hockey game? Before the first period.
It’s all fun and games at “take your kid to work day” until you realize your dad is a suicide bomber.
Q: why can’t orphans be on a football team? A: because they won’t know where to go on a home game.