What is the difference between artificial vanilla and Marjorie Taylor Greene’s children? Artifical vanilla come from a beaver’s asshole, the children from an asshole’s beaver.
whats green and sings? ELVIS PARSELY!!!
What did the the purple grape say to the green grape? "BREATH YOU IDIOT BREATH!" Geddit? GeeditTT?
Why do midgets have to wear a green bright jacket when crossing the road? Because they will get turned into a pancake even more its not funny i know
What happen when someone shot the Hulk? He got gangryeen. Gangrene+green+angry
what turns green to red in a flick of a switch?A frog in a blender.
what fruit is square and green? a lemon in disguise
What is green and blue Grass and the sky
what’s green then red all over? a frog in a blender! :)
Shrek and the Hulk became politicians And they created The Green Party
What is 14 inches long and starts with D A Dookie From GREEN DAY
whats red green and slimy and slids down the chipshop window . abortion of chips
What’s big, green, has four legs and if it falls out of a tree it can kill you? A pool table.
Me: Know one likes shrek he is just a fat green guy friend hey stop talking about me
What’s green, red and spins at 4000rpm? A frog in a blender