Where you born on the high way that’s where most accidents happen
What do you call a chair that smokes weed? A high chair
All school meetings introductions: Grade School; “Welcome Girls and Boys!” Middle School; “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome!” High School; “Fingerers and fingerees,” One of my friends named Jill had a drug overdose. She didn’t have any of that drug after that. For the rest of her life she acted very high. When she died, it was because of natural causes, not the drug. So this proves that a lethal dose is also a life time supply.
If I place a slide on the edge of a cliff or a really high building, would going down it be considered suislide? Asking for a friend.
why is it bad to high five an emo… they will leave themselves hanging
“Hotel Rwanda” has a high score on Rotten Tomatoes. But their Yelp reviews are terrible.
(found on web) There was an American wrestler from Texas named John, who throughout his high school career had never lost a match. As he went on into college he continued undefeated. He became a national icon and symbol of American strength. News began to circulate of a Russian wrestler who was fierce and unstoppable. As each wrestlers legends grew,
As a fellow emo i find these very rude and disrespectful plz take off or i tell mom. Also, if anyone knows any high bridges nearby please tell me (I’m asking for a friend) P. S. I have no friends
one depressed kid goes to high five a tree but the tree just left him hanging
When midgets smoke weed do they get high or do they get medium
There were 30 high school seniors taking finals, and once they finished, the teacher, Mrs Jones walked up and down the classroom to collect the tests, and asked “so, are you guys ready for college?” And Brian answered “no way. School is just a waste of time, every day taking seven cruel hours of our lives.” Angela replied “never! Like Brian said, school is just a waste of time, and the next level is surely not worth paying $50,000 for. Besides, math class is mental abuse to humans!” And Jack said “school has been a waste of so much time I’ll never get back, and after these finals I’ve realized…f@ck, I never actually learned shit!”
I tried to high five a tree, but it just left me hanging.
like this if you are in elementary, middle school, or high school
What’s an orphans high school nickname Lone stone
A high school student and his best friend were rushing to class after his best friend caused them both to be late, his best friend asked, “Would you like to hear a joke?” “Sure” he replied. "What do you and your sister have in common? ’ “I don’t know.” “Because of me you’re both late for your next period.”