Milk jokes

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Why do orphan eat cereal with water

Because dad never came back with the milk

I have a stepladder. my real ladder left for milk and never came back.

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Why do orphans love drinking water? Because they have no milk to drink!

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Why did the kid cry? his dad didn’t get the milk

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Why did the Orphan eat cereal with water? Thar dad did not come home with the milk

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A lady walked into a bar and ordered their special drink, the bartender then gave her a brown glass full of milk, the lady complained about this but then the bartender said, “just shut up and swallow”

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Why dose a milking stool have 3 legs? Because, the cow has the utter one.

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Why do Orphans have gross cakes? Because their dad didn’t come home with the milk milk.

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Q:Why do orphans eat cereal with water? A:Because their dad is shopping for the milk.

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Here’s a better version of a previous joke:

I would tell you a milk joke, but its whey too cheesy!

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