Hi ?? I was wondering
%% %%Do you ate chef boyardee’s food? No, why? Boy are deez nuts so big
What did one nut say to the other? Ignore the guy in the middle. He’s a d!ck.
DR Brody: Sir your son has a disease called boofa dad: whats boofa? DR Brody: both of these nuts in your mouth
can i put deez nuts in yo cluts?
What do you call a nut stuck to a wall? A walnut.
I bet for Halloween you were a Goblin. how a about you gobble DEEZ nuts.
What do you call a nut on a Wheelchair?..a busted nut.
A GUY GOES TO SEE HIS PSYCHIATRIST DRESSED ONLY IN BUBBLE WRAP. WHEN HE GETS THERE HE ASKED THE PSYCH, cAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME? THE PSYCH SAYS NO, I’M SORRY, I CAN CLEARLY SEE YOUR NUTS. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. “But why?” they asked, as they moved off. “Because”, he said, “I can’t stand chess-nuts boasting in an open foyer.”
Ow! you hit the spot!
What falls and never gets hurt? Snow
I bought a guh on the weekend. (whats a guh?) a GUHZZLE DEEZ NUTS! ?? ?? ??
what do u call a nut in jail: a busted nut