You heard that Michael Jackson autopsy reports showed he died of food poisoning? It’s because he ate some 8 year old nuts.
A pirate walks into a bar and has a ship’s wheel in his pants. The bartender asks, “What’s with the wheel in your pants?” The pirate replies, “Yarrr! It’s drivin’ me nuts!”
I nutted on the wall, call that a walnut.
I have big balls said the kid holding to soccer balls
What is the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Well beer nuts are 49 cents but deer nuts are just under a buck. (If you don’t understand the genders of deer you won’t understand it.)
Did you guys see on the news where they arrested that pervert at the Michaels Crafts store?? He was running around completely naked and had sprinkled glitter all over his testicles. I guess it was pretty nuts.
a girl asked ?can i have some nuts too?? boy: ?sure what ones;)?
What falls and never gets hurt? Snow
Do you like Wendy’s? Yeah Wendy’s nuts finna go in your mouth
Yo girl…do you like squirrels, because i’m about to nut in your hole
What did the wire say to the electrician Stop twisting my nuts
What do you call a vegan slut…? A garden Ho…!
Ow! you hit the spot!
What do u call it when a boxer cums? Busting a nut
One day little johnny went to his grandma’s house and she asks “do you like nuts” and little johnny says “yes i like nuts” and his grandma says “okay then grab them out of the cabinet” so little johnny went and grabbed them and he was sad after he grabbed them his grandma then says “whats wrong? ” little johnny says “i thought they were real nuts.” and his grandma fainted.