What brand of paint Michael Jackson use to paint Neverland Ranch? Dutch Boy.
how many babies does it take to paint a room red. depends how hard you throw em.
How many babies does it take to paint a wall? One, if you throw it hard enough.
What’s the difference between school and prison. One is painted
A father and a son were painting pictures together, the son and father were drawing the exact same thing to a T and the son said “what happened to your hand?” looking at the scar tissue near the father’s knuckle, the father replied with “you know what happened, you were there.” the son continues to deny this until they both finish their paintings - they’re exactly the same. The father passes out for a few hours and wakes up to find that there’s only one painting.
Why do elephants paint their toes red, blue, green, orange, Brown and yellow? So they can hide in a bag of M&Ms
My young son saw trump on TV he asked “Why is the man on TV painted orange?” I replied “Son when Russia pays that much for equipment, They don’t want it to rust”
Q, Why did the elephant paint his toenails red? A, To hide up cherry trees. Q, What’s the loudest noise in the jungle? A, Giraffes eating cherries.
How many babies does it take to paint a wall red? It depends on how hard you through them. ????
How many dead babies does it take to paint a wall? Depends on how hard you throw em
How many babys does it take to paint a wall red. Depends how hard you can throw them.
little Johnny likes to play with toy guns little Johnny paints them black little Johnny went to a gun store little johnny made a big mess the cemitary people were getting paid.
I’m going to open a wellness center for ASD kids to be able to express themselves through music and painting. I will call it Artism!
Kid starts shortcoming people in school, teacher asks “why are you doing that”. He responds, “I wanted to paint the walls red for Christmas”
whats the difference between a gay guy and a freezer? the freezer doesn’t fart when you pull the meat out what doe Michelangelo and Kurt Cobain have in common? they both used there brains to paint the the walls