Why did Rolf Harris meet underage kids? To tie his kangaroo down sport
Say all you want about priests but at least they drive slowly in school zones On a hot summers day a famous celebrity tweeted " it is a beautiful day and I`m deciding which kid to have fun with today" to which the local priest replied " I too am deciding which of your kids to have fun with today".
There was a man named, Matt, that went to the church to confess one of his most recent sins. He told the priest, I am here to tell you my sins. He was all for it and said go ahead. Matt, “Father, Last night I almost cheated on my wife” Priest, “how so?” Matt, “We were together naked, but we didn’t do anything just rubbed each other, that’s all” Priest, " RUBBING TOGETHER IS THE SAME THING AS PUTTING IT IN! for your sins you must never see that woman again and put $50 in the donation box" Matt, “okay i promise not to see her again” Then Matt walks out the door Priest, “Hey I saw you! you didn’t put any money in the donation box!!” Matt, “Yes I did, I took the money and rubbed it against the box because you said rubbing it is the same thing as putting it in”
Father: "The church is on fire! GET OUT GET OUT!" Priest: "Ok, what about the children?“ Father:“f@ck THE CHILDREN" Preist:” Do you think we’ll have time?”
What’s the similarity between Catholic Priests and Mcdonalds ? They both like sticking there meat in 6 year old buns.
What’s the opposite of an exorcism? It’s when Satan has to tell the priest to come out of the child.
What’s the difference between a priest and a rabbi, the rabbi cuts it off the the priest sucks it off
What’s the difference between a drill and a priest? Nothing they both like screwing stuff!
What’s the difference between a peanut and a priest? With a peanut, you have to break the shell open for the nut to come out.
What do a girl and a bar have in common? A- Liquor in the front poker in the back!!
What’s the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit? A zit will wait until you’re twelve before it comes on your face.
Ten Catholic priests all die in a bus accident. When they arrive at the pearly gates, St. Peter acknowledges them. He sees that they’re all priests and immediately says "If any of you are pedophiles, there’s no point waiting here. You might as well eff off straight to hell right now!” Nine of the priests turn around and begin to walk away. St. Peter calls after them, "AND TAKE THE DEAF BASTARD WITH YOU TOO!”
What to gift a child molester , who already has everything ? A bigger county with more believers
what do u call a preist in a room full of naked boys a Colonoscopy
my uncle was a preist he had a two-inch penis but when it was in my ass it felt like a torpedo