Thanks for explaining the word “many” to me, it means a lot.
If you’re waiting for the waiter at a restaurant, aren’t you the waiter?
Where did the cat go when it lost it’s tail? – To the retail store!
Why did the gym close down? – It just didn’t work out.
Have you ever tried eating a clock? It’s really time-consuming, especially if you go for seconds.
I went for a job interview today and the manager said, “We’re looking for someone who is responsible.” “Well, I’m your man.” I replied, “In my last job, whenever anything went wrong, they said I was responsible.”
I Googled “How to start a Wildfire”. I got 48,500 matches.
Someone stole my toilet and the police have nothing to go on.
Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak
New Teslas don’t come with a new car smell they come with an Elon Musk
Two deer walk out of a gay bar. One of them turns to the other and says, “I can’t believe I blew forty bucks in there.”
I entered ten puns into a contest to see which one would win. No pun in ten did
Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.
When the chair was invented, the inventor’s friend wanted to know what it did. The inventor replied: ‘You might want to sit down for this.’
I wanted to make a belt out of watches, then I realized, it was a waist of time!