what part of the Earth does Helen Keller not have? The sea
Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay they would be called bagels.
Why doesn’t Helen Keller go to the beach? Because she can’t hear the sea.
Why do seagulls fly over the sea and not the bay? Because then they would be called bagels!??????????????????????????
Last night I had a dream that I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda. I guess it was just a Fanta sea!
why are dolphins so smart? Because within three hours they can train a human to stand at the edge of the pool and feed them fish!
why is the sea salty? because the land never waves back
Why didn’t the boy want to read 2000 leagues under the sea? It was too much pressure.
Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Angela Merkel are standing at the shore and are trying to impress each other with the accomplishments of their countries. Putin brags „We have nuclear submarines which can stay under water for six weeks without having to resurface!“. Trump goes on „Six weeks? That’s nothing. I have the best submarines, they‘re underwater fur at least three months!“. Merkel is about to respond, when a giant steel colossus emerges from the sea. A hatch opens, a black uniform appears - „Heil Hitler! We need Diesel.“ How does the sea say hello It WAVES you SEA what I did their I’m SHORE you saw it Don’t be SALTY
Why did the shark spit out the clown? Because he tasted funny!
What are fish not allowed to have?seaweed
Why did the fish cross the sea? To get to the other tide! ?? ?? ??
why was the sand wet? because the sea weed!
Where do fishes keep their money? In a riverbank
I was going to tell a joke about emos in the sea but it’s dead in the water