why did Steven Hawkins go to hell because he couldn’t walk the stairs to heaven
I was thinking of starting up a stair company, but there was too many steps to it.
My mom and dad got home from a party pretty late. Why do I know? Because I was playing minecraft all night. Anyways, they get home and start fumbling up the stairs and being really loud. I could have swore I heard them fall down. I assumed they were drunk. I was just playing my switch when they come into my room. Now I’m about 10 at the time so I watch them get undressed IN MY f@ckING BED! I then just stare at them as they notice me before I witness anything. They say that they were doing “intense kissing” the next morning. I believe that at the time. But now I’ve been to health class. I now know the truth. I wish I hadn’t
I lost a race with a handicapped person today. The problem was the race was all stairs. Gravity sure is fast
Be grateful: You’re missing work today because in the past, someone cared enough to leave that banana peel on the stairs.
Man, I’m so sorry that Steven Hawking is dead he was such a good person. To bad it’s a stair case to Heaven and not a ramp
so a kid is taking a test and the paper says “in a pink bungalow, there’s a pink fridge, and a pink bed, and a pink tv, and a pink cat, what colour are the stairs?” so the kid answers pink like the idiot he is
I saw some kids bullying a kid in a wheelchair. i grabbed the kid, pushed him down the stairs and said,“gta physics.”
do you know why i dont like stairs…they are always UP TO SOMETHIG#dadjokes
Q: How do Chinese people name their kids. A: They throw pots and pans down the stairs and see what noises they make
What does your mom and a slinky have in common? They aren’t much to look at, but you can’t help but crack a smile when you see then tumbling down the stairs.
Why couldn’t Stephen Hawking go to heaven “because there was stairs”
i fell from the stairs the other day. it really “got me down”.
Someone threatened to break into my house but I am in a wheelchair, I said sure and I moved everything upstairs and sat on the stairs so he couldn’t steal anything.
A pedophile lures a group of Houston Girl Scouts with “Hey girls, would you like some candy?” They all agree and follow him to his neighborhood. There he offers them some more candy and they follow him to his house. Once again he offers them candy to go in to his house. In the lounge he offers them candy to go to his room. As he leads them up the stairs one of them pipes up and says “God, I hope we get laid before we get diabetes”