Stairs jokes

Why is Steven hawking going to hell not heaven? Because it’s a stair way to heaven not a ramp.

Q:What’s black and white and red all over A: a nun falling down the stairs

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I guess grandpa took the elevator to heaven. he definitely didn’t make it up the stairs

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That one person who can never bring a smile to your face…

Until you push them down 3 flights of stairs.

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How do chinese people name there children? They thro pots and pans down the stairs and listen for the sounds, Ching Chong Chang.

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A mom and her son are taking a walk when they pass a homeless man fapping, the boy asks “what is that man doing?”. The mom says “Making pizza” trying to turn him away.

The son sees a dog f@cking another dog and he asks the same thing. She says “Making extra cheese”. When they pass a window and see a couple doing it, he asks the same thing. She says “Ordering the pizza”.

Later that day the mother says to the father “I think I want some to order some pizza with extra cheese tonight, dont know why that sounds good”.

So that night the husband who was watching tv yelled up the stairs “wanna order some pizza!?”

The mother replied “DONT WORRY IM MAKING SOME”

The sons voice followed " IM ADDING EXTRA CHEESE"

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Why couldn’t Stephen Hawking go to heaven

“because there was stairs”

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I threw a Asian down some stairs. It was Wong on so many levels.

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How did Stephen Hawkins make it up the stair way to heaven? Well he didn’t they invented an elevator

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