Stairs jokes

Me:Have you seen a mr.weewoo Most people:no Me: he drives the ambulance down stairs

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%%Why didn’t the girl like stairs? They were always up to something.

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A man walks into a bar. Sits down and asks the bartender for 12 shots of vodka. The bartender asks what the man is celebrating for and said he’ll give one shot on the house. The man said I celebrating my first blowjob. And nah if 12 shots doesn’t get the taste out of my mouth nothing will.

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There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs? Answer: There aren’t any—it’s a one-story house.

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A mom and her son are taking a walk when they pass a homeless man fapping, the boy asks “what is that man doing?”. The mom says “Making pizza” trying to turn him away. The son sees a dog f@cking another dog and he asks the same thing. She says “Making extra cheese”. When they pass a window and see a couple doing it, he asks the same thing. She says “Ordering the pizza”. Later that day the mother says to the father “I think I want some to order some pizza with extra cheese tonight, dont know why that sounds good”. So that night the husband who was watching tv yelled up the stairs “wanna order some pizza !?” The mother replied “DONT WORRY IM MAKING SOME” the sons voice followed " IM ADDING EXTRA CHEESE"

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One day a guy named Carson is called a jerk and he says "I went to a party with my girlfriend and this random guy walks up to us and says can I borrow your girlfriend for a 30 minutes I say yes and he takes her up stairs. It was not only 30 minutes but a hour. When she came back down she was out of breath so I knew it was a pretty intense conversation.this happens about 3 more times that night. But as I was saying only a nice guy would let his girlfriend make friends with other guys ????

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That one person who can never bring a smile to your face… Until you push them down 3 flights of stairs.

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whats black and sits at the top of the stairs? stephen hawkings during a house fire.

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A bully walks up to a kid named Billy to insult him and steal his lunch money. Later that night when he is at home, the bully’s father comes into his room to insult him and take the lunch money he stole. The father walks down stair to check on his father in the living room. When he walks in, his father insults him and takes the lunch money. The grandfather of the bully walks into the back yard and in the dark is Billy. The grandfather walks up to him and says “Where’s my money you worthless old fart.”

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