Stick jokes

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I don’t get why people don’t like my abortion jokes. Do they have a stick up their ass? Wait, that’s the other hole.

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A teacher asked her class “what is sex?” Little Johnny got up and said: “Sex is a temptation Causes by a sensation Where the boy sticks his location Into a girls destination To increase the population Of the next generation Did you get my explanation? Or do you need a demonstration The teacher faints By:Xzavier

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“Sticks and stones break my bones.” a crowbar does it so much quicker

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So a bear and a rabbit are in field, the bear turns to the rabbit and asks, “does your poop stick to your fur?” And the rabbit replied, “no” and the bear then picks up the rabbit and wipes his butt.

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What’s tree plus tree? Sticks! (Three plus three equals six)

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I haven’t talked to my wife in three weeks. – I didn’t want to interrupt her. A female class teacher was having a problem with a boy in her class in Grade 3… The boy said, “Madam, I should be in Grade 4. I am smarter than my sister & she’s in Grade 4”. The Madam had heard enough and took the boy to the principal.The principal decided to test the boy with some

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A man ate a glue stick. It tasted bad. He died.hahahahah

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